Monday, April 28, 2008

Wetlands are a Valuable Resource, Protect Them!

Many people, along with some developers, look at wetlands as a problem in their efforts to build a major real estate developments, whether residential or commercial. This is unfortunate. Wetlands are a valuable and productive ecosystems proper architectural landscape can cope with the problem " & quot;. But most important to understand that wetlands represent.
We have already mentioned that the wetlands are productive ecosystems. Moreover, they play host to the diversity of species, including birds, fish and mammals. Wetlands vary depending on the climate, geological factors and quantity of water. Wetlands are different in a place for example, between Alaska and Florida. Most, however, provide a large amount of food for many animals. They also help worldwide temperate climates. Given the importance of wetlands, the United States Government has enacted laws that regulate wetlands.
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) creates a program to regulate the dumping of dredged or fill material into the waters of the United States, including wetlands. Activities in the waters of the United States is regulated under the programme include fill for development, water resources projects (such as dams and levees), infrastructure (such as roads and airports) and mining projects. Section 404 requires permission before dredged or fill material can be discharged waters of the United States, unless the activity is exempt from Section 404 rules (for example, some farms and forestry).
The The main premise is that the program does not perform dredged or fill material can be resolved if: (1) there is little alternative, less harmful to the aquatic environment, or (2) nation will be significantly degraded water. In other words, when you are applying for a permit, you must show that you have, wherever possible:
steps to avoid the impact of wetlands;
Minimizing the potential impact on wetlands; and
provided compensation for any remaining inevitable consequences.
Proposed activities are regulated by permit review process. Individual permits required for potentially important implications. Individual permits are considered U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which evaluates applications in accordance with the public interest review, as well as environmental criteria set out in the CWA Section 404 (b) (1) Guidelines. However, for most discharges, which would have only minimal adverse effects, the general permit may be appropriate. General permits are issued at the national, regional or state basis for specific activities. The total excludes the authorization process and allows the individual review of certain activities to operate virtually without delay, provided that the general or special conditions for general permits are met.
Builders and developers to enlist the services of a typical state license, registered Landscape Architects to assist in this process. Landscape Architects can develop site plans for the protection of wetlands or the possible relocation of wetlands and assistance in obtaining the necessary permits.
Landscape Architects must have a license to the State in which they practice and, usually, members of the American Society of Landscape Architects, ASLA . Landscape architecture includes analysis, planning, design, administration and management of natural and urban environment. ASLA full members have graduated from accredited landscape architecture program, which 7 years of training and / or professional experience and are in a state license. In Michigan, as well as all other States, three (3) day LARE examination administered by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards should be allocated for public licensure.
Landscape professional designers do not have these powers. Many state and local governments require designs to be stamped with the state registered landscape architect& 39;s seal, especially if it wetlands involved.
As registered landscape architect in the state of Michigan and the principle architect with Sexton Ennett Design, LC, the landscape architectural firm southeast Michigan, I am especially aware of the need to protect wetlands. See:
I am also breeder of champion Oldenburg warmblood sport horses, and I am particularly sensitive to issues of wetlands in the territory of equestrian facilities. See:
Understand importance of wetlands and protect them.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Online Press Release

A well-optimized press release is a very effective tool for advertising. Online Press Release Creator gives you the opportunity to create a powerful, mesmerizing flawlessly formatted and press releases at once. Instant press release is the online software, times for a good cause.
How you have to do an online press release -
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Source: Press Release.php
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Friday, April 18, 2008

Five Reasons To Get Out Of Debt

Do you want to get out of debt but can t find the motivation? Do you dread the mail arriving in case it brings you even more bills to pay?
Well if you need a burst of motivation to improve your financial position, I ve put together five reasons to get out of debt and avoid borrowing in the future.
1) Everything that you buy becomes much more expensive
OK, I ll show you. While out shopping you just can t resist buying a new plasma television. The price was $2300, but it has been reduced to $1995. Bargain! So you sign up to an attractive looking credit agreement.
How much will is cost? This is not a trick question.
$1995? Wrong!
Whenever you borrow to buy something, the total cost to you is made up of three distinct parts.
a) The actual amount that is borrowed - $1995
b) The interest on the loan Perhaps 3 years at 29.9% APR. That would come to $915.78 (36 payments of $80.85 less $1995)
c) These payments must be made from your taxed income Let s say 30%. That would add another $1247.40
So taking all of these things into account, you ll have to earn an eye watering $4158 to pay for your television.
And that s before we take into account the opportunity that you ve lost to earn interest on the money that you re using to make the loan repayments. At 5% per year over 3 years this could amount to another $300 in lost interest.
Doesn t seem such a bargain any more, does it? Do you really want it that much?
2) Lack of Freedom
The world is full of credit junkies. Too many people hold a must have attitude that they simply can t afford. Unfortunately, this position translates into a must borrow state of mind. They borrow in order to feed their need for a regular consumer spending fix .
But this addiction is not without its consequences. Every time you borrow money you forfeit a piece of your life. It means that your lender owns a bit of you. They own the time that you take to earn the money to repay the debt every week or every month. Welcome to life as a human limited company .and your lender has just become a major shareholder!
Every pound of debt reduces the freedom that you have in your life. It s a simple equation.
Debt = lack of freedom to spend your time as you decide
Part of your precious, non-renewable life, now has to be devoted to acquiring enough money to repay your creditors. Your personal freedom has been curtailed. Every pound of interest paid represents a waste. Waste of your money. Waste of your effort. Waste of your time. Waste of your freedom. WASTE OF YOUR LIFE!!
3) Rows
What s the most common reason for rows between couples? Work, children, sex, the house, trivial matters?
The answer is money. Debt is the biggest cause of rows and relationship problems.
4) Stress
This is the inevitable result of the last two items. You owe money that you no longer have. You have to repay it with interest. You have to work every hour available just to make ends meet. And at the back of your mind is the nagging doubt, what if I can t keep up with the repayments?
Then on top of all that worry, there s the frustration of being permanently skint, despite the fact they you ve never worked harder in your life.
And all the time your better half is nagging you about never having any money and the amount of time that you ve been spending at work.
5) Bankruptcy
With all debt, there s always the chance that it will spiral out of control. One debt can lead to another debt. After you ve borrowed money once, it becomes incredibly easy to do it again, and again, and again!
It s the easiest thing in the world to say Oh I ll just stick it on my credit card , but it s much harder to repay! Especially when you ve got interest working its mischief against you!
Eventually, it can get to the stage where you can t even afford to repay the interest, let alone the original amount you borrowed.
And the end result?
Life is not be as happy and exciting as it should be! And if that s not a good enough reason to get out of debt, I don t know what is.
by Stuart Laing
Copyright (c) Get Out Of Debt
Stuart runs a website dedicated to helping people get out of debt. So if you want to improve your financial position, visit for free, impartial debt help information.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Work At Home Dads: Are You Getting Respect?

Feel free to use this article if you give credit to the resource box. Copyright Arthur Levine 2007 Keywords: Work at Home, Internet Shopping, Making Money, Earning Respect Words: 478
Okay, so you re the one elected to stay home and watch the kids, but does that mean you can t earn a good living working from home at the same time? You can if you know what to do. Don t you want to feel more productive? You are entitled to be a whole person and live your own life. Are you ready to make a great part time income working from home?
Today, many men are staying home and doing their part to raise the kids. That doesn t mean they can t make a substantial contribution to family financial affairs. That doesn t mean they aren t entitled to respect. You don t have to sacrifice your dreams.
Some of the things you have to do if you want to get the respect you deserve and make a good living working from home are:
Analyze what you are good at.
Determine what you like to do.
Assess how much time you have available.
Conference with you mate on what you plan to do.
Start searching for the right opportunity.
Avoid scams and costly investments.
Trust your instincts.
Be prepared to network with family and friends.
Make your own To Do list.
Be creative.
Use your imagination.
Make a decision and stick to it.
Role reversal may be the order of the day, but that doesn t mean you are not still the man of the house. Your children need a father figure: someone they can look up to and emulate. You are that person. You can show them what it means to be a success, and a kind and caring father at the same time while working from home.
So what kind of an opportunity are you looking for? What can you do from home that will yield you a substantial income and a great sense of satisfaction at the same time? What can you do that will cost you absolutely nothing and give you a real potential for success? What can you do that will have your children and your mate looking up to you with respect?
I won t keep you in suspense any longer. You can build a team of people all working from their homes who make money shopping on the Internet and buying what they already shop for at bargain prices on their own malls filled with over 1000 top notch stores completely set up for you free. This is a win, win situation. You can invite other work at home fathers to join you and get an override on every purchase they make. You are entitled to the income and the respect that you will earn. ***
Arthur Levine is a freelance writer who specializes in work at home situations. To find out how to shop at home for a living and gain respect, I invite you to access

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